Hey there, I s it just me or are you pushing your luck? I didn't like your tone at all... The door was always open but you never behaved. Who’s laughing now? You see, we both lost. It's true that I have artistic expressionism going on up in here and I'm not enjoying it one bit. If anything, it's a pure torture but I'm feeding from it. You're so full of hatred, I will never be like you! I wanted and needed your help but you ARE poison. I'm not cold as ice nor I intend to be, I'm just an ordinary person, trying to survive by keep fucking up in my mind oh yeah in real life too... I see your Poe reference it's rather tasteless. How dare you hit me with this? It's so cruel and low even for a monster like you. I tried to keep my sanity because I knew it was never enough. I couldn't. It doesn't mean, I won't! Go back to your cave and get out of my face. Hmmm What's missing in our story here...?? (-are you seriously going to end
I cheers to that, with a sakazuki cup warming my palms, in the middle of the night. I close my eyes and frown with the song in the background, while it's hitting me differently. My fists start clenching as soon as I hear "that very" flamenco guitar with the saddest female vocal, an old mezzo with the agonizing lament with the most tormenting lines you can ever imagine... I catch a whiff of an exquisite rose, tend to wilt. Pause. And imagine. It is there deep in your subconscious, where your brain often tells you not to go. Judas's reflection looks at me and shrugs - tells me that everything's going to be alright and then gives me the purest kiss on my cheek. I instantly feel like I'm in Eden again. It feels like home, I know this place. I have been here before. I can stay here for a while, guilt free. This atmosphere is so warm and bracing, welcoming me with it's freshness, wants me to stay. I. know. I start laughing like crazy with joy over the fee
D ear Lucifer; FATHER! The first sinner of them all! Is there anything left to save now? Knowing anything and everything... I followed you since the beginning, never asked any questions or judged your authority. In return, you gave me addiction, lust, envy, greed... you infected me with the lies and now you have forsaken me... Lucifer. You’re the biggest lie of them all. May we burn in hell together for eternity, in that infernal pit... No!... Not like this... not without a fight. One last battle... I have so much to give, to these poor mortals. I’ve never gave into you. Yet, you claimed my soul. Is it because I was born from your throne? From the ashes you exhale? For what?? I asked you to let me out of this sick paradox. I always thought that we should’ve been allies but... I’m choosing him over you! Even though there’s evil in me. Cr: Chris Dawn NOW, IT IS I, WHO DEFIES YOU! LIKE YOU DEFIED YOUR FATHER! ... Morning star! Bearer of Light! O’ sweet sweet ene
Benim arkadasim (sagdaki zat-i cok muhderem sahis) neden beni K-pop'a alistirmaya calisiyor!? bu soru cok onemli bakin, nedir kafamizi kurcalayan bu Amerikan, batili ozentisi koreliler? ya da asyalilar diyelim, gerci Kennichi ye laf yok tabi :D neyse her ne kadar sinirlerimi bozsa cheesy as fuck olsa da cok catchy tutamiyor insan kendini. Zaten guney kore "seysi" baslamis, gecen sene japonyaydi iyidi o ama guney kore bilemedim. buarada k-pop derken psy dan bahsetmiyorum. BIGBANG diye bir olay var di mi... Gamze ben bunlari niye biliyorum GAMZE!!! hep senin yuzunden... Boybandlerden orta okuldan beri uzaktim ne guzel simdi muzik daaaarcigima bu grup eklendi niye!? NIYEE! neyse iyi de oldu basarililar zaten aferim onlara. Bir de grup demisken ARCTIC MONKEYS'IN turkiyeye gelmesi icin 2006 dan beri bekledim ve sonunda geliyorlar onun icin de dipnot belirtmek istedim bu paragrafta fangirl olucam asagidaki paragrafta daha cemkirik abla olarak karsilasacaksiniz. Tamam?
Intro (The Informal beginning...) Keep it cool, keep it cool. Have some pride, damn it! Because either way you're failing. At least go down with dignity! What is it with you, your balls of steel and these weird shields of glass? Haven't you learnt anything? Begging and yearning for dusts of love. You can not win this battle, darling, everything's so mechanical and you know it. You're just waiting patiently for your turn to dissolve into... Even though your heart bleeds you have to... - "Why aren't you finishing your sentences?" - "... Why are you here?" - "Because you're one in a million, I'm trying to save you." - "Don't." Be less human, be less human! Feel less! Does it hurt? Good! It's not you... You have to adapt, don't ask questions, you might not like the answers. You won't be winning this battle. You might sti