
Showing posts from January, 2012

Le Tips and Targets of the Day (and year?)

 Dear 2012; Real N y a n C a t video featuring Genious . (it's his punishment !) Probably another vid. - could be: nyan cat dance O.O und vlog kinda!? (what's with the Nyan cat... jeez) Le me, being productive this week, heck yeah. (CHALLENGE ACCEPTED) Sincerely Le Gizzy (because my whole name is too mainstream)

Hala Gülüyorum!

Nasil bir gundu hala cozebilmis degilim. Sokakta "trollface" halimle gezmemden anlamaliydim birsey olacagini. Ama hayir o da yetmedi. "cool" insanlarla yuruyorduk. Sonra trenden inince inmemizi beklemeden deli gibi trene binmeye calisan insanlarin suratlarina MEDENIYET diye bagirdim mi ben!? Ama cok gecti yanimdaki cool insandan delidir ne yapsa yeridir bakisi yemistim bile. Ustelikte insanlar bakti. Komik olan kismiysa ben "bitch please" modundaydim. Neyse bu daha baslangic tabi. Sonra zaman gecti aradan vesaire. Bir yabanci ile su muhabbetimi hatirliyorum Ben- optimus prime'i cirkin cizmisler ama Insan- bu nasil peki? (bumble bee'yi gostererek)Ben bunu cok seviyorum mesela ben bunu kullanirdim. Ben- bumble bee tam kiz isi mesela...(facepalm)...... 0__o ...... bir dakika o cumleyi duymadan soyledim... Bir dakka ya! (Facewall) Yerin dibinde olmam yetmiyormus gibi yorgunluktan kafami duvara da vuramadim mesela. Hani o degilde neden s

You ARE the weakest link GOODBYE.

Why so cold? Ohh... I missed you too my beloved blog. You've been my humble companion. And you always will be. I've been under construction for a while. BUT I'M BACK! Regenerated and all new! So as I was saying I have some sneaky wibbly wobbly timey whimey stuff to do. Still working on it though. And the BEST part is. I'm % 75 alive. Maybe 80. A brilliant purification. Soon I will be completed. Ergh. Wait. Sounded like rehab... No. Anyhow. I'm addicted to fishfingers and custard now. I know sounds cheesy but it's because of the DOCTOR! And last but not least It was a random post. (because serious posts are too mainstream) Just wanted to say hello. Also to all Gallifrey children. Love Child of Gallifrey