
We still think about the past, even though when it's so obvious that the future is embracing us. We still think about them, unforgettable stuff. Even though it's just a history. Are we really ready for a change? Or this is another illusion of our utopia? Why are we scared of the radical changes? Too much time to think? So little time to write and accept. Never appreciating the beauties, life gives us... We just want to take and think how awesome we are and how unselfish we are all the time even though it's completely the opposite... Will we ever learn? Do we suppose to believe? Does life is playing with us or some deity up there is testing us? ... I've been seeing some really messed up stuff... Ups and downs - highs and lows... This time; this can't be a coincidence. It just can't... I never imagined myself to feel superstitious... But here we are. And this is real. This is happening. I needed change. I AM CHANGING... I am evolving... And even though it scares the hell out of me I am willing to do this. I WILL TRY MY BEST TO DO THIS.

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